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NFED Classified Help & Frequently Asked Questions

How To Turn Off Email Enquiries

Email enquiries are turned on by default, but you can disable them if you wish. Turning off Emails will remove the “Email Advertiser” link from the advert & show your phone number regardless of the "Display Name & Number" setting.

To Control Emails.

Go to the "Do You Accept E-mail Enquiries?” option on the classifieds submission form.

Do nothing or select Yes & the contact form will appear on the advert allowing people to send Email enquiries through the system without showing your Email address.

Select “No” & the contact form will not be displayed, but your phone number will be shown. 

This setting can be turned on or off using the modify advert option.

If you are worried about using your main Email address, why not set up a new free email account for advertising? This is a popular option for many regular advertisers on all websites.

How To Turn Off Email Enquiries

Email enquiries are turned on by default, but you can disable them if you wish. Turning off Emails will remove the “Email Advertiser” link from the advert & show your phone number regardless of the "Display Name & Number" setting.

To Control Emails.

Go to the "Do You Accept E-mail Enquiries?” option on the classifieds submission form.

Do nothing or select Yes & the contact form will appear on the advert allowing people to send Email enquiries through the system without showing your Email address.

Select “No” & the contact form will not be displayed, but your phone number will be shown. 

This setting can be turned on or off using the modify advert option.

If you are worried about using your main Email address, why not set up a new free email account for advertising? This is a popular option for many regular advertisers on all websites.

If you can't find the answer, feel free to contact us

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