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NFED Classified Help & Frequently Asked Questions

Contacting the NFED

The NFED is run as a hobby/business for fellow equestrian enthusiasts. There are no staff & like most of our users, having horses to look after means we cannot be in the office all day or offer phone support.

If you have any questions, please ensure that rules & guidelines have been followed, check any automated email replies, Help & FAQs.

If you still can't find the answer, then contact us. 

Please ensure that emails include a meaningful subject line. We receive hundreds of emails every day, emails without a subject are treated as spam & ignored.

  • Email: editor@nfed.co.uk
  • WhatsApp: 07385 848504 - NO Calls or Texts
  • Messenger: m.me/nfed.co.uk - NO Calls. 
  • Post: NFED. Brushwood, Church Lane, Sway, Hants. SO416AD.
  • Sorry, but we do not offer support by phone, sms, iMessage or X (Twitter).

Please remember to include any advert or reference numbers & attach any photos, videos or documents.

To submit events, ads or information, please use the submission forms provided. 

Contacting the NFED

The NFED is run as a hobby/business for fellow equestrian enthusiasts. There are no staff & like most of our users, having horses to look after means we cannot be in the office all day or offer phone support.

If you have any questions, please ensure that rules & guidelines have been followed, check any automated email replies, Help & FAQs.

If you still can't find the answer, then contact us. 

Please ensure that emails include a meaningful subject line. We receive hundreds of emails every day, emails without a subject are treated as spam & ignored.

  • Email: editor@nfed.co.uk
  • WhatsApp: 07385 848504 - NO Calls or Texts
  • Messenger: m.me/nfed.co.uk - NO Calls. 
  • Post: NFED. Brushwood, Church Lane, Sway, Hants. SO416AD.
  • Sorry, but we do not offer support by phone, sms, iMessage or X (Twitter).

Please remember to include any advert or reference numbers & attach any photos, videos or documents.

To submit events, ads or information, please use the submission forms provided. 

If you can't find the answer, feel free to contact us

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