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  • 0 Services Directory No Map Formatting Issue

    I have found a slight issue where listings that do not have a map displayed fail to load correctly. All the details are there, but the formatting is incorrect. I have contacted the software company responsible for advice, in the meantime if you have a listing which isn’t looking right & you are happy to include a map, please let me know. We are running on new software, so teething problems are bound to happen. All advertisers affected have been contacted with options to show the map. Steve  

  • 0 NFED Server Replaced

    The site has now been migrated to the new server & the old server disabled. There will be connection issues to start with as the IP address has changed, different ISPs will take a while to refresh & find the new site, this can take a few days to settle down. If you see a “This Account has been suspended” message, you are seeing the old server. If you have any problems, please first refresh the page, then clear your internet history & try again. The site is now running on a faster server with the latest software. Some of the older sections weren’t compatible with the newer software, so have been updated or changed completely, such as the event diary. All data (classifieds, directory listings & events) have been copied across. The news pages were mainly old news, so will be started again on the new system. Don’t forget that the old event diary has been replaced, so any previous event links will not work, but should take you to the new diary. Events can now be shared individually using the links at the top. There will aways be teething problems, but I will try to sort these out as they come up. This has been a huge & unexpected operation. To be honest I had to seriously consider whether to do it, or simply shut the site down & enjoy my retirement. But now it is nearly completed, I’m glad I decided to stick with it & hopefully the site will be ok for a few more years yet!

  • 0 New Forest RTAs Week commencing 9th September 2024

    Week commencing Monday 9th September 2024 12/09/2024 Brown Mare - Injured Burley Road, Brockenhurst R Maton Click Here to see how to report an accident, problems with New Forest stock or driving incident.

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