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NFED Payments Help & Frequently Asked Questions

Find the Advert Number?

The six digit advert number is shown on the top left hand side of each advert above the date posted, you will also receive the details in an Email. 

You can find all of your approved adverts by entering your Email address & clicking on "Find Your Ads" button in the control panel. If your advert hasn't yet been approved please contact admin or simply start again with a new advert.

If you have paid for your advert, you will also have an order number provided by the shopping cart. This will be an eight digit number proceeded by the letters RC. Although we can use this to find your order, customer details & advert number, it cannot be used to log into your advert.


Find the Advert Number?

The six digit advert number is shown on the top left hand side of each advert above the date posted, you will also receive the details in an Email. 

You can find all of your approved adverts by entering your Email address & clicking on "Find Your Ads" button in the control panel. If your advert hasn't yet been approved please contact admin or simply start again with a new advert.

If you have paid for your advert, you will also have an order number provided by the shopping cart. This will be an eight digit number proceeded by the letters RC. Although we can use this to find your order, customer details & advert number, it cannot be used to log into your advert.


Connecting the central southern equestrian community.